Bootstrap 5 comes with react support

Bootstrap 5 comes with react support now more new improvement soon.

Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap 5 launched with support of react JS strap.

Bootstrap is a front end development theme to design your website and project with high-quality UI and theme, Bootstrap will help us to maintain our website theme responsive with its pre-built-in classes and js libraries.when we integrate bootstrap into our web page it will automatically change the content scaling according to the device. Bootstrap is really a great plugin that every front end developer should know. Some examples of bootstrap classes are ".container" class and ".col-sm" classes that make your container content according to the device ratio of height and width and scale them accordingly.

bootstrap web design

The last few days back bootstrap launches its new version bootstrap 5. They have integrated new plugins in it and integrate new styling and animation. More things about bootstrap 5 are have support with a different plugin. React support makes more cool integrity with the website and now it has many options for your website comment theme and design post of your website. Make your website more attractive to the users and supports the react js plugin.   

 You just need to add the react js library in your website and design plus animate your navbar with it. Now you don't need more styling to your navbar with external js or CSS you can make it perfect according to your choice with react js support of bootstrap 5. It saves the time of web developers to make the site and other elements responsive.  

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