Top 5 Best Food For Eyesight | Good Bye Myopia

Foods that help you to improve eyesight - Better Eyes better  Future, Better Lifestyle 


In today's time, all the work now shifts to digital computers and that's why most of the time spend on computers and mobile. Working on the computer or mobile is not the issue but the screen will affect your eyesight and increase more chances of getting myopia and low vision. We can not stop our work from this but we can make our eyesight better to work on these devices and make sure never let the screen time more than 4-5 hours wash your eyes after every 3-4 hours of gap when you are working on the screen. We can do eye exercise to maintain our eyesight and make it better by eating green vegetables and some fruits that can improve your eyesight. So in this blog, we will discuss the top 5 foods that can improve your eyesight.

List of the top 5 foods that help you to get rid of myopia


1. Carrot

One of the most powerful food in the world that is best for your eyesight this winter is carrot. You can drink carrot juice twice a day or eat it in your breakfast or lunch. Vitamins in carrot that can help you to improve your eyesight and other eye diseases. If you include carrot in your meal and salad it can help you to maintain your body fat and other heart diseases. Carrot is having 73% of vitamin A and vitamin A is needed for eye health.   


2. Eggs

Eggs are rich in proteins and can help you to improve your eyesight and save you from several eye diseases. One of the common eye disease in people is myopia - the far eyesight disease. In myopia, your farsighted vision of the eye is getting blur and with the increase of disease, it can cause more damage to your eye. Nowadays this disease is common and even children are also affected by this disease. This is due to the coming of the digital world that change our life but comes with eye disease. The yellow part of eggs is rich in proteins and vitamins. Including eggs in your daily meals gives you to get rid of myopia and other eye diseases. 

grapes and berries

3. Berries

The third food in this list is berries and grapes. Berries and grapes are rich in vitamin A and better for your eye's health. Including berries in your meal will make your eyes better and also they contain some amount of vitamin C that glow your skin also. Berries are the one kind of food that grows not on trees but grow like some flower plants. You can buy them from the market and include them in your daily meal. 

green veggies

4. Green Vegetables

Including green vegetables in your meal means you are eating a good amount of proteins. Green is the color of nature and eyes are affected by the natural disease. Many doctors and scientists found that green color is good for eye health and also green vegetables too. Make your daily meal rich with green vegetables. You can add broccoli to your meal because it has lots of vitamin A that is needed for eye health.


5. Water

This food may laugh you but water is essential for better eyesight and eye health. The reason why water is the primary unit for eye health because your eyes need lubricant and water is used for eye lubrication. You have to drink water 7-8 glasses of water in a day. Also, you can wash your eyes with cold water because our eye needs the lubrication to work properly.

Extra Tip - Start your day walking in the park and walk with bare feet on the green land.   

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